
2019年3月5日—SFTPNetDrive允许您像在计算机上一样访问它们,从而消除了处理存储在远程服务器上的文件的麻烦。这样就无需下载和上载您需要访问和使用的文件。SFTPNet ...,2013年8月21日—SFTPNetDriveFree是一款可以將SFTP伺服器模擬成一台本地端磁碟機的軟體,使用者可以在檔案總管裡,好像在電腦上的磁碟裡一樣, ...,NET:Theapplicationrequiresthat.NET6orhigherisinstalledtothesystem.PleaserefertotheMicrosoftdocumenta...

SFTP Net Drive 转载

2019年3月5日 — SFTP Net Drive允许您像在计算机上一样访问它们,从而消除了处理存储在远程服务器上的文件的麻烦。这样就无需下载和上载您需要访问和使用的文件。SFTP Net ...

SFTP Net Drive Free

2013年8月21日 — SFTP Net Drive Free 是一款可以將SFTP 伺服器模擬成一台本地端磁碟機的軟體,使用者可以在檔案總管裡,好像在電腦上的磁碟裡一樣, ...

SFTP Drive 2022 Reference

NET: The application requires that .NET 6 or higher is installed to the system. Please refer to the Microsoft documentation for instructions to install .NET ...

SFTP Net Drive 1.0 Download (Free)

2023年11月4日 — SFTP Net Drive lets you create a virtual drive on your local computer that will expose the remote file system accessible via SFTP protocol.

ODBC Driver for SFTP

The SFTP ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live data from remote files and directories, directly from any applications that ...

Download SFTP Net Drive

2018年1月7日 — SFTP Net Drive allows you to work with the remote file system as if it were a local disk drive, given that the remote system supports SFTP ...


SFTP to securely transfer files. NetDrive supports secure file transfer by SFTP (SSH File Transfer protocol) . Unlike standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP), ...

SFTP Drive

An easy-to-use utility that mounts SFTP servers as local drives. Once connected, you can browse and work with files as if they were stored on your local machine ...

SFTP Drive

An easy-to-use utility that mounts SFTP servers as local drives. Once connected, you can browse and work with files as if they were stored on your local machine ...

SFTP Client Applications

Free and open source. Map SFTP server as a network drive. Do you want to use a SFTP connection as a Windows mapped drive? Assign it a drive letter ...